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IPad Notes & Camera icon missing from light skin mode (user resolved, future bug fix)

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 3:09 pm
by Oregonmike
I have been using iScore for many years. First it was on an iPad. Then I moved to the iPhone because I was coaching first base and needed something more portable. The notes on an iPhone are located on the 3rd screen when you swipe tot the left.

Last night I used my iPad version of iScore for the first time in years. My iScore APP is up to date on it. Unfortunately I couldn’t find the notes icon at the bottom to make comments about the play that just occurred as I could in the past. The only things available on the bottom are the innings recap, the ingame stats, scorecard and tools icons. The is no notes icon. Am I missing something.

Re: Notes/comment function missing from iPad tool bar

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 5:32 pm
by OhioTex
I have not seen this reported missing in any versiom before and can not reproduce

On ipad, The icons on bottom right are
(from right to left)
Gear (settings)
Field (scorebook)
Spreadsheet (stats)
Info (inning recap)
Note ( notes)
Camera (photos)


I have tested on ipad air in both landscape and portrait mode in both light and dark skin mode
( ipad Air current ios 11.2.6 and app v5.108)

Re: Notes/comment function missing from iPad tool bar

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 7:54 am
by Oregonmike
So I don’t have camera icon either. Do the missing icons have anything to do with the fact I am not “signed in” on the options page of the iScore APP. I used to be signed in. However when I tried to sign in under my email it said my password was incorrect. I requested a new password and it said it didn’t recognize my email. Keep in mind this is the same email I have on myiscore account under the customer ID number shown on my APP. Additionally the magic link does not work when I requested they send that. It did work on my iPhone when I was trying to log into iScore Central APP when trying to follow a friends game.

Re: Notes/comment function missing from iPad tool bar

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 9:18 am
by FTMSupport
The camera and notes do not require you to be logged in, but you not seeing them along with not being able to sign in (should be same sign in as iScore Central) leads us to believe you may be running an old version of iScore. What version does it say on the Home/Title screen in iScore? Since you are saying you used iScore on your iPad for the first time in years, it also suggests maybe an older version.

Re: Notes/comment function missing from iPad tool bar

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 2:31 pm
by Oregonmike
I update my apps regularly. When I say I haven’t used my iPad version of iScore I only mean to score. I would always transfer my games scored on my iPhone over to my iPad for easier viewing. The version on my iPad is the same version as my iphone. v5.108.

What is interesting is that my customer ID is the same on my iPhone as it is on my iPad. I saw a recent post that this is an anomaly that shouldn’t happen but it does on my iPad.

Re: Notes/comment function missing from iPad tool bar

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 7:22 pm
by OhioTex
What model ipad..And what iOS are you running?.

There are 3 unrelated 'anomalies' going on. I will address each and then provide you a somewhat unusual 'alternative short term workaround' to get you going ..

1) this is the first time i have heard of loss of camera and notes icon.. i Can not reproduce the problem in versions old or current. I am
wondering if a specific ios hardware ....

2) the sign in issues are known (posted elsewhwre on forum). The fast fix is to go on a computer to and create an account there and use that username and password back on ipad for iscore sign in
Related post on topic viewtopic.php?f=5&t=13805

3) the 'same id' in iOS devices can happen with some rare itunes back up/restore methods. Email and they can give you instructions how to change .. (there are however some unusual benefits/tradeoffs to having same device ID when it comes to sharing iphone to ipad. You probably are using option export/import instead of data sharing )
related post viewtopic.php?f=5&t=13459&p=50792#p50792

A workaround you could do is download a second copy of the iscore baseball app. Do not delete the one on your ipad.. but if you go to app store and search for the iscore baseball app (green icon) you will find two versions. Both now free, download the one you dont already have and it will create a second copy on your ipad with a new customer id and i expect good icons.

You will now have to share games between phone and this app using option > datashare
< insert faq link>

Post back if more questions. It is late and not sure how clear this came out....

Re: Notes/comment function missing from iPad tool bar

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 5:27 am
by Oregonmike
Thanks. It was all clear. I have the most current version of IOS. I also have the newest iPad Pro but the smaller version 10.5 not the bigger one. I will try your suggestions.

Re: Notes/comment function missing from iPad tool bar

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 6:02 am
by OhioTex
If you download the 'second' iscore app version and still have the problem of missing camera and notes icon, let us know..

If it is still an issue, knowing the hardware will help support replicate and troubleshoot. because as said in prior posts, not seen this issue mentioned before.

P.S. I also updated prior post with additional related links to issues #2 and #3 issues, for further reference if needed.

Re: Notes/comment function missing from iPad tool bar (further identification and workaround in progress)

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 3:03 pm
by Oregonmike
OhioTex - thanks so much for all the feedback. Just to answer one of your comments previously - I use the data share to send games/teams between my iPhone and iPad. I do export data to the iScore servers typically after a game or when I enter a new team into my iScore APP.

The folks at SIPLAY sent me an email and I was able to “sign in” on my Options page of the iScore App.

I did not yet download the other version of iScore as you suggested. It appears the one I have is the one that lists the developer as Faster Than Monkey’s and the one I don’t have is the one that shows SIPLAY as the developer. I went back to the version I have on my iPad. I clicked on the game I just scored this past Friday and clicked “Score Game” again to get back inside. I noticed something faint on the tool bar right next to the inning recap but then it disappeared. I then began tapping my finger on the tool bar next to it and the camera popped open. I have always used the “light skin” when scoring. So I changed to the “dark skin” in the tool icon. The camera option shows although it is faint compared to the others icons. The note icon still isn’t there. However when you are scoring the game on an iPad you can make an in game adjustment on a play because they are displayed in the upper right side. So technically I could use that to enter notes and these notes should still appear (probably after the play recorded) to those viewers on line at the time and later in the scorecard PDF, wouldn’t you agree? I know that you can’t access the in game adjustments on the iPhone unless you exit the game to do it (I think I am correct on that).

If that is the case I can probably live without the notes icon on the iPad because I can still get them right on the scoring screen under the edit of the play by play.

Thanks again for the feedback. This is one of the reasons why I prefer iScore over GameChanger (besides costs).

Re: Notes/comment function missing from iPad tool bar (further identification and workaround in progress)

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 9:59 pm
by OhioTex
Happy to help

#1. @support- can u reproduce the disappearing icons on ipad pro smaller version? (I don't have that hardware)

#2) -@oregonmike .
Having the same device ID for both iphone and ipad, Can create a problem if you inadvertently option> export Or option > import from the wrong device at the wrong time. Be careful . B/c when you do option > export/import. You are basically over writing the database (file copy and replace action). It is 'safer' to have seperate device IDs on iphone and ipad

You can safely download both versions of iscore app to same device (faster than monkey and siPlay versions). They are in fact now the same underlying code. you will have two apps with seperate database file and two device ids.

( fyi Faster Than Monkeys was the original company for the developers out of california, they then partnered with espn marketing, then sold to siplay, who then got purchssed by nbc sports engine. The reason two apps is multifaceted and a reault of apple quirks, dates back many years to when the app cost money and seperate code for iphone and ipods .. pre ipad. Once they converged to free universal apps. They developers kept both apps on apple store to make easier for existing customers.

I would encourage you to download the second app to see if the issue is replicated or solved. Based on that step we can then address next steps.

I am curious if you download the second version if the icons are still missing. I tested on my ipad air in both light and dark skin - landscape and portrait mode and can not reproduce the issue

4) i like using notes (alot) and note button is much better than editing the paly by play (upper right pane on ipad or by exiting score screen and useing editor).. i particularly recomend use of 'next play' in notes button b/c when you do that it sends instant message and it stands out for the broadcast watcher. bottom line i use notes alot and my default is set to 'next play'.

Fun fact. Iscore central viewer app audio Will translate your notes to voice when your watcher uses the audio feature when watching a broadcast.