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Softball Request - slap Hit , slap sac (future.feature.request)

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 7:43 am
by Flying_fish72
Add a slap hit and slap sacrifice in addition to other hit options

Re: Softball Request

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 9:00 am
by OhioTex
Thank you for your post and request.

The developers of the product "FTM Support" ( monitor this forum for user input and suggestions.

Historically, the developers have responed that "slap hits" are 'just a hit' not traditionally tracked separately as a stat. though that is technically correct , A number of users have repeatedly asked to track 'slap hits'.

As a moderator on the forum, i am not part of the company, not part of what features get added.. but i do recognize this request has come up multiple times in the past and have included a couple links below on the topic.

perhaps this continued request over time will improve its chances..



Re: Softball Request

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 2:32 pm
by ixamnis
I've never really played or coached the game but have done fastpitch scorekeeping for over a decade now and I've always wondered if anyone does or wants to track bunt and/or slap attempts regardless of the outcome of the pitch other than the parent of the slapper. Seems to me if you were the coach you would want to track them, but there may be too many parameters to note. And then again it gets even more complicated in deciding whether the coach signaled for a bunt or slap vs. the players deciding on their own. And finally there is the issue of deciding whether the player bunted, slapped or swinging bunt. However that shouldn't be much of an issue because the umpire has to know the difference if they foul one off on the third strike. I get the request, but I also get why there hasn't been an update too.