Possession Arrow
Possession Arrow
Now that the "Manual Possession Arrow" has been added...how do you use it? What does it mean when it points to the right, for example? Is that the shooting direction of the team that will gain possession on a tie-up? Or, is it pointing to the team itself? For example, if the screen shows TEAMA on the left and TEAMB on the right (i.e., TEAMA is shooting to the right and TEAMB shooting to the left), does the possession arrow point to the left or right if TEAMA is to gain possession on the next tie-up?
Re: Possession Arrow
I think I figured it out. If you hold the iPad in "portrait mode", the arrow points to the team to get possession. However, it "landscape mode", it's hard to tell which it's pointing at. Oh well, I can just turn the iPad if I get confused.